Strength Training for Pickleball | Hand Speed Trainer USA

Speed Up
offering strength speed and sport-specific training

Dive into a world of enhanced performance and strength with our Pickleball training paddle.

It is your perfect solution whether you're aiming for sport-specific training, speed improvement, or faster hands on the court.

Introducing our Speed Up Pickleball Training Aid! Get ready to elevate your game to new heights with our innovative product designed to boost your speed and performance on the court

Each box comes with the Speed Up paddle, featuring adjustable module weights ranging from 2.5, 5.5, and 7.5 ounces, allowing you to customize your training experience. Using our Speed Up Pickleball Training Aid is simple yet effective!

Select Your
Desired Weight

Slide The Weighted Discs Onto The Paddle

Start Training


  • Start with the lightest weight, train for 2-3 weeks, see how you react, recover, and then move up a weight if desired.
  • Make the most out of your practice sessions by incorporating  our Speed Up Pickleball Training Aid into your routine 3 to 4 times a week, for just 5 to 10 minutes a day.
  • Whether you’re looking to enhance your serves, drives, volleys or overhead shots, this Speed Up pickleball training paddle has got you covered.
  • Not only does it increase speed and pace, but it also helps prevent shoulder, forearm, and elbow injuries by providing a controlled warm-up routine.

Proper Warm-Up: Start Your Matches Strong

A successful pickleball game begins with a proper warm-up. our Speed Up Pickleball Training Aid provides you with a warm-up routine that prepares your muscles and joints for peak performance. By starting your matches strong, you can take control of the court from the very first serve and stay ahead of your opponents.


Injury Prevention: Protect Your Elbow, Shoulder, and Wrist

Our Speed Up Pickleball Training Aid is designed to offer specialized training to safeguard your elbow, shoulder, and wrist. With reduced risk of injury, you can stay on the court longer, play at your best, and enjoy a pain-free pickleball experience like never before.


Enhance Your PIckleball Game and Performance

The Speed Up Pickleball Training Aid improves your game by sharpening your power, accuracy, and speed. Experience an unprecedented level of precision and performance on the court.


Boost Your Agility Across All Shots

Increase the pace of your serves, drives, volleys, and overheads with our Speed Up Pickleball Training Aid. Develop agility and excel in every aspect of your pickleball game.

Get Your Speed Up today